SELF-PORTRAIT, analogue color photography, Jan van Eyck Academy, The Netherlands, Maastricht, 2000
Several series of self-portraits were made having as a starting point Culianu's book Călătorie în lumea de dincolo (Travel to the Other World). The other world, that in Culianu's book was referring to death , in my view was also pointing to the world inside of the mirror (such as in Alice) as well as it pointed towards my own state of being in the Netherlands (another world in relation to Romania).
Each series of images has been making reference to a certain specific cultural area, such as Victorian photography, Spanish painting of Velásquez, the Russian movie Evgheni Oneghin, Hamlet, Baroque space of Italian paintings, International Gothic Style of paintings, etc.
The work and expression of those photographical images has been based on the interplay of the space and light that was existing between two round mirrors placed in front of each other, as well as on highly coded gestures that were alluding to particular works of painting from the Western tradition - the most recent one being of the Contemporary Portuguese painter Juliao Sarmento.
The work was exhibited once in Jan van Eyck Academy, and still exists in my collection of works.